On November 5, 2024, at Novotel Hotel in the coastal city of Nha Trang, the 2024 Executive Board Meeting and Member Annual Meeting of the Vietnam Engineering Consultant Association took place in a joyful and warm atmosphere but very formal; with full attendance of Executive Board Committee members, Leaders and officers of Members firms across the country, and guests.

The Executive Board meeting discussed, evaluated and gave opinions on the Association’s activities as stated in the Report on activities, financial revenues and expenditures in 2023 and the Plan of activities, financial revenues and expenditures in 2024 by Secretary General Hoang Ung Huyen presented; Report of the Association’s Inspection Board on financial revenue and expenditure in 2023. In general assessment, the Executive Committee members unanimously affirmed the Association’s contribution to state management agencies such as the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Planning. and Investment, Ministry of Justice in developing legal policies on construction and bidding in construction investment activities. Diverse activities continue to be effective, practicality, quality and timely (such as disseminating new legal policies; fostering professional knowledge, FIDIC contract courses, BIM courses International seminars on resolving construction contract disputes, scientific seminars; exams for grant of an Architecture Practicing Certificates; grant of Construction Practicing Certificates to organizations and individuals; VECAS AWARD 2023”; international cooperation; membership development) has provided useful support and gained the trust of organizations and individuals inside and outside the Association.

The Executive Committee unanimously approved many important contents about the Association’s activities and organization.


The Association’s 2024 Membership Conference was held on the afternoon of May 11 with the following events: Scientific conference, “VECAS AWARD 2023” Award Ceremony with the presence of the Executive Committee members and the Board of Directors. Standing Committee, Standing Committee of the Association and leaders representing member firms across the country along with distinguished guests. The conference was fully informed and highly agreed on the results of the evaluation of activities in 2023, the activity plan for 2024 and the contents approved by the Executive Board Meeting

At the Conference, President Nguyen Thi Duyen awarded the Association’s Certificate of Merit to member firm with many contributions to the development of the Association; Awarding Membership Certificates to new Member firms.