On the afternoon of August 28, 2024 at the Government meeting room, a  conference on the draft Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP dated March 3, 2021 detailing a number of contents on construction investment project management chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, with the participation of leaders of ministries, localities and a some of professional social organizations.

On behalf of the drafting agency, Deputy Minister of Construction Bui Xuan Dung reported in detail the contents that need to be reviewed and revised, focusing on groups of issues regarding general regulations; Prepare, evaluate, and approve projects, construction designs and implementation after basic design; Organizing construction investment project management; Construction permit,; Conditions for construction activity capacity of organizations and individual practitioners participating in construction activities; Some contents ensure legal consistency… The contents need to be amended and supplemented to remove practical problems, increase decentralization, decentralization and simplify administrative procedures in construction investment.

 At the Conference, President of the Vietnam Engineering Consultant Association Nguyen Thi Duyen spoke highly of the Ministry of Construction for being careful, listening and absorbing comments from the Association as well as other agencies. The Association also requested the Government to direct research on general infrastructure investment solutions for applying the building information model, creating conditions for organizations and small and medium-sized enterprises to exploit and use the project. new applications as effective as some countries in the region. In addition, the Association also proposed to add transitional provisions when changing the criteria for granting practice certificates to individuals.

At the end of the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha requested ministries, and localities, from reality and operational practice, to continue to have comments for the Ministry of Construction to absorb and complete the draft. Deputy Prime Minister request the Ministry of Construction to promote decentralization of authority to ministries, branches and localities in appraisal and approval of investment policies, pre-feasibility study reports, feasibility study reports, technical designs.

However, the Deputy Prime Minister also emphasized that decentralization goes hand in hand with implementation capacity. In the process of granting practice certificates, there needs to be full management regulations for operating conditions and a database of organizations and individuals practicing the profession associated with training, public announcement, Inspect and control this work.

(Source: VGP/Nguyễn Hoàng)