On August 24, 2024, the 2-day course on FIDIC’s 2017 Consulting Agreement Set organized by the Vietnam Engineering Consultant Association (VECAS) was completed. The course focuses on introducing a general overview of FIDIC’s construction Contracts and Agreement forms, principles of effective application in general according to FIDIC’s instructions and in Vietnam in particular according to VECAS’s experience. The focus of the course is to learn and analyze the Clauses in the General Conditions, the roles and obligations of the Client and the Consultant corresponding to the intended use of the White Book, and how to draft the Appendices. of the Agreement according to FIDIC’s instructions, the dispute resolution mechanism of the Agreement model, …. At the same time, knowledge from international experience and some notes for comparison with Vietnamese law related to consulting contracts such as professional liability insurance, intellectual property, compensation, etc. are also mentioned and analyzed in detail.

At the end of the course is a quick test of general knowledge on White Book and research on common scenarios during the COVID 19 pandemic according to “FIDIC GUIDANCE MEMORANDUM – COVID-19 IMPACT TO THE CONSULTANT’S SERVICES UNDER THE FIDIC SUITE OF CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS” so that attendees a better grasp of the provisions in the White Book.